
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Demonstration to Defend Surrealism

Mark Thomas and Tracey Moberly are organising a demonstration on Saturday June 3rd 12-1.30pm Parliament Square. Police approval has been applied for, problems are not envisaged.

Please try to come to Parliament Square and dress up appropriately, bringing a surrealist art object with you. If for very good reasons you are unable to attend, please drop your art object off at the Foundry no later than this Thursday evening with a note. Banners and Placards are highly encouraged. All notes will be read out at Parliament Square and all objects displayed. Please let me know if you can make it and please make a list of those you ask/email who will be in attendance on the demonstration ... Below is the manifesto

An exhibition of demonstration and its banners etc open the following Wednesday 7th June at the Foundry, 86, Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3JL at 7pm, NB****set up is Tuesday 6th June 8pm-10.30pm****The exhibition is co-curated by Mark Thomas and Tracey Moberly



Surrealism is under attack! Defend Surrealism!

The New Labour government is attacking Surrealism! Should we allow them to trample like trottered thugs and vile clerks over the prone genitals of the subconscious juxtaposition of seemingly random entities? Should we allow them to lay claim to the beating sod of art? No! By Prescott's Cock we must fight back!

New Labour are neither, they are old and privileged and masters of an Empire of Absurdism: To protect our liberties we must have pass cards. To create peace we must create a bloody chaos. Businessmen are more important than teachers for a child's education. Hospitals have never had so much and yet own so little. Workers must be flexible, government intransigent. These are the paradoxes of the repressor and the repressed, we will be neither. We will be determinedly compliant!

Let our own paradox be, 'defiance through compliance.'

The law says our protest against the authorities, must be licensed by the authorities. To criticise the state, the state must give us its approval. Protest should be orderly. Protest should pre booked with Charing Cross police station.

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 section 132- 138 demand we must licence our protest in designated areas. Let us comply, let us fully comply amidst the sound of ominous organ music and Vincent Price glances. Let us fight fire with fire but Absurdism with Surrealism! We shall fight them until the ants pour out of their eyeballs.

The government's absurd actions have been wrongly labelled as "surreal" incidents, thus appropriating us with their lazy rhetoric. Life is not Surreal, it is Absurd but only through Surrealism can we truly be free. It is time to reclaim the floppy watch of outdated marketing gimmicks and hurl it back into the wombs of insolence! Let them feel our wrath, but let us charge them for each touch. No longer will we stand idly by while Surrealism lies weeping like broken-hearted lover.

(Please note that there have been threats from authoritarian Social Realists to run a counter demonstration, please be reminded that their provocation will not divert us from our cause!)

From Mark

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